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'How To Develop my child' The importance to read to your child through ART

How long are you on your mobile phone during the day? When you get on the bus or train, does everyone have their head down looking at their mobile phone? I'm scared to say.........yes

I am finding that so many children are missing out on basic might think it is through words. In actual fact it is eye communication.......

I'm sure you have heard of the phrase; Your eyes are the windows to your soul

Your eyes can communicate without having to verbally say how you feel. Have you experienced the 'look' from mum when she was angry with you? Eye communication is the most important way to communicate as they send feeling with words. How often are you doing this with your child?

When I sing with my child I look into her eyes and smile. She smiles back at me and tries to move her mouth to copy my words. I make sure that my mobile phone is not around when we spend time together as I can easily become side tracked to answer calls, text messages especially or surf the internet for answers when I have questions. I remember doing this once and looked up to find my daughter waiting patiently whilst staring at me waiting to receive communication and love through my eyes. When I made eye contact, she gave me the biggest smile!!! My heart melted because I realised this child was waiting to talk to me through her eyes and these moments are to be cherished as they will never have another chance to come back!

I watched a you tube video when I was 4 months pregnant. I was watching the Ellen show about this amazing child who could read fluently from 4 years old. When asked how she did this, her mother responded that she constantly read to her child. This made sense!!! She explained that although we think a baby cannot understand a story, you teach them how to learn through visual learning.

I decided to give this a try. I started reading ROAHL DAHL books whilst I was pregnant aloud. I sang Disney and relaxing songs. The more eye contact I gave my child when she was born, the quicker she started to learn. I remember attending a play group when she was 2 and a half months old. The mums were surprised how aware she was, active in focusing her attention for 40 minutes straight and that her co-ordination was very developed. Of course I could not understand what they were speaking about because I didn't have a previous child to compare to. The mums also commented that my daughter was always 'so happy' all the time. Full of smiles and made immediate eye contact.

How do I read to my child through art?

I use both baby simple books and I use highly illustrated colourful books. I let her take time to look at the picture. I show her each part of the picture, pointing out colours, lines and explaining what they are. A book can easily take half an hour to read.

How did this serve me as a parent?

We attended our first full day outing to Fisher's farm adventure park when she was 4 months old. There was a singing actor who was entertaining the children. When he started to sing I was worried that she was too young and the loud noise being in a dark room theatre. I was worried that because she was so young she might disturb the show. The show was 45 minutes. My daughter was focused on the man on the stage, bouncing on my lap. The children who were from 4 years old were screaming, shouting, unsettled and didn't like the loud noise.

What has this taught me?

- I've helped my child develop coping techniques to handle her childhood

- That she can focus and block out unsettling noise

- She can feel safe

- She understands and grasps different kinds of music for ages I thought she was not ready

- She has developed her intelligence

- She is definitely super aware of herself and surroundings

Art is a huge part of our household in many forms. I am constantly being open to learning as well as admiring that this child does not give up. Every child experiences the same situation. They have to learn how to walk, talk, eat and swallow. Children are here to remind adults to not give up when the going gets tough! Being creative has changed our mindset in our household to come up with solutions, be happy, appreciate life and most of all - to feel safe to express our anger constructively with love.

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